Tesla Motors: Unveiling of the 21st Century Super Charger Network

Just look at this idea that will revolutionize the way we get around. Elon addressed everything! No Coal, No Big Oil, No GM/Ford/Chrysler (The Big Three) & especially No nay-sayers! 

Elon has, with ginormous balls, bitched slapped and flipped off all who support the status quo and who believes that everything needs to remain the same which has proven through the decades cost lives and cause environmental destruction. 

The “Father of Transportation” is here and here to stay. Elon Musk has proven time and again that he is not here to compete, nor to continue down the path that many Boomers feel we need to remain on. F-that! He is not on this Planet to make a buck!

In fact, he said the word FREE!

When you purchase a Tesla equipped with the 60kw or 85kw Super Charge System, you will drive for free. Beat that Fossil Fuel Industry!

Can Shell/Exon or the Big Three (Hell even the Government) offer you free energy to get around? 


As always, Elon will continue to dominate the Transport Industry and he will get a Human on Mars within the next few years. Wait and see my friends. 

Enjoy the pictures below from the event last night! Feel free to leave replies, I encourage them.


Image Hmmm. I wonder what it could be!Image

This is Elon Musk announcing the unveiling of the New Tesla symbol that will become the norm for each and everyone of us. F#$% Shell & BP. Tesla Motors is 21st Century Automotive!  ImageOMG. WTF is that!ImageStanding High and TallImageLook at the colors… the design!Image Powered all by our marvelous Sun!ImageHe already had 4 of these stations opened up just to shut all the haters and naysayers up. (Be aware tho, haters will continue to hate and Big Oil and The Big Three will possibly be filing lawsuits! For what reason you ask….Because they do not want competition!) 

ImageThis is where the stations will be located by this time 2014.ImageAND this is what it will be in Tesla’s Long Term view. (Mind you, Tesla’s version of Long Term and what “You & I and every 19th and 20th Century Business'” are conditioned to think of as long term are totally different. Tesla’s long term visions are actually short term visions, so expect the above to be implemented by 2016 to 2018 time frame! Elon does not F%^$ around! He is a physicist after all!ImageKnow this name and “Get Used to It!

Embrace Change!


Please share your thoughts! Keep it clean and professional